Giardini del Moletto

Waterfront Gardens – Pesaro (PU, Italy)          Year: 2020       Garden area: approximately 4.000

The height splendor of the public gardens alongside the shore of Pesaro city was during the second postwar period, in the 50’s and in the 60’s, when their main virtue was the annual topiary turnover that made the gardens still lovely remember from citizens thanks to their playful and recreational quirk.

This was the starting point we took inspiration from, and with the fundamental help of public and private institutions, we realized a project to redevelop the area of the Giardini del Moletto (litterally “the Dock’s Gardens”). The initiative to give value to the gardens was possible thanks to Pesaro Municipality, Scavolini Foundation, Aspes SpA and Studio LANDESIGN.

The gardens are now characterized by a contemporary design that did not modified its existing structure. We introduced a mulberry grove that offers shade to rest in summer and a long seat pointed towards the sea to enjoy the view of the Adriatic Sea.

We chose plant species typical of the seashore enviroment that contributed to reduce the maintainance costs of the gardens, as they are low demanding species. The selected species also enhance insect biodiversity and are resistant to marine aerosol.

Some of the species we used: Dianthus pyrenaicus “Cap bear”, Euphorbia characias Wulfenii, Festuca punctoria, Gaura lindheimeri, Gazania rigens, Helichrysum italicum, Lavandula dentata “Adrar M’korn”, Lippia nodiflora, Kochia scoparia, Morus fruitless, Phlomis purpurea, Salvia lavandulifolia, Stipa tenuissima, Teucrium fruticans, Teucrium fruticans “Agadir”, Verbena bonariensis…